Master Painters Australia

Our Services

Master Painters QUEENSLAND provides
a Mediation Service.

Mediation is a dynamic, structured, interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict using specialised communication and negotiation techniques. All participants in mediation are encouraged to actively participate in the process.

Master Painters Association provide a mediation service to assist with the resolution of disputes between a painter and the consumer/other party.

The cost for mediation services is $150 per hour. Please contact our office to arrange a quote.

Independent Inspections

Master Painters provides an independent inspection service for those circumstances where you may have a dispute with a painting contractor, or you have had a painting project completed and are not satisfied with the result.

Our technical inspection service is available to all parties, from painting contractors (who are in dispute with a client and need an independent perspective) through to consumers who are unhappy with the quality of a paint job provided.

This service will include an on-site inspection of any works completed, as well as interviews with parties involved. Following this, our technical expert will complete a written report that can be provided to:

While all our inspectors are industry qualified and have extensive industry experience, it is important to note that the Master Painters Association of Queensland is not a regulatory body or enforcement authority. We cannot impose any sanctions, and our recommendations cannot be enforced. It is only the Queensland Building Construction Commission that can, by law, take direct action against contractors in Queensland.  Please note, a defect list is not typically provided within the report. A defect list can be provided for an additional cost.

We can, however, strongly recommend that painters who are MPA members follow our advice, and impose strict membership sanctions on those who violate our Code of Ethics.

For a single dwelling in the Brisbane metropolitan area, a standard report costs $800, inclusive of GST. Travel costs on top of the above fee will apply outside the metropolitan area and multiple dwellings will be quoted on the size and scope of inspection required. 

In order to reserve an inspection we require a deposit of $800.  Please click below on Inspections to book. 


$800.00 AUD
Approx $500.00 USD