Master Painters Australia

MPA Federal

The MPA has three principal objectives.

  • To assist the interests of its members in a business sense
  • To ensure that the professional standards of the industry are upheld
  • To  create community that supports our industry

The MPA is the single authoritative organisation in its field, enabling it to negotiate and co-ordinate a wide variety of business, educational and information services for its members.

The tangible benefits of being a member of the MPA materialise in the form of more profitable work, leading to increased business success and profitability.

The federal body of Master Painters Australia

 is a not-for-profit industry association, set up over a century ago to represent the surface coating industry.

The Master Painters Association protects both consumers and painters, setting standards for business practice that ensure quality workmanship, as well as giving painters access to information and inside tips of the trade.

The Master Painters association is national in its reach – represented by a member for each state.

Established more than 100 years ago, MPA has acted as an independent representative for companies and individuals in the painting industry, via involvement in government consultative forums on both a national and state level. The federal MPA body also represents the interests of all state-based Master Painters Associations.

Master Painters Australia State Offices

You can get in touch with your local state-based Master Painters Association via any of the means below.

Master Painters Queensland

    (07) 3277 8646

    PO Box 21 Salisbury QLD 4107

Master Painters Victoria & Tasmania

    (03) 9813 5922 or   0417 890 852

    56-58 Gaine Rd, Dandenong South VIC 3175

Master Painters New South Wales & Australian Capital Territory

    1800 451 224    or   (02) 9758 8877

    PO Box 122, Strathfield South, NSW 2136

Master Painters South Australia

    0414 351 756

    PO Box 2435, Burnside, SA 5066