Master Painters Australia

Life Members

Master Painters Association of Queensland

It’s a simple fact that without our members, the Master Painters Association of Queensland would cease to exist. We’re an association of painters, for painters. So the interests of our members constitute the interests of the MPA.

Throughout our history, we have been fortunate to have a great many wonderful members, some of which are recognised with life membership. The list of life members for the MPA is given below.

Our History Our History

2006 L. Francisco

1999 J. R Cox

1999 D. W Stevenson

1994 H. Merry

1991 M. D Whyte

1991 K. Chapman

1990 J. Finn

1990 C. Baker

1990 C. Pratt

1990 K. Bignold

1982 R. Harvey

1979 R. Neller

1975 H. Payne

1975 H. Lewis

1975 R. G Cox

1974 R. J. R Dunsford

1969 H. B Sargent

1969 W. J Moore

1969 G. T Cox

1969 N. H Christison